Santorini to West Kill

I came across these gorgeous photos of Santorini (Greece) in Cereal Mag today, shot by Kate Holstein.

I've been thinking about Greece a lot this week because that's where Steven and I took a honeymoon-esque trip last summer and Wednesday was our 1 year anniversary. (!)

And while we didn't take any photos quite as stunning as the ones above, I believe this poolside one from Santorini is pretty epic, no?

AHAHAH! It still cracks me up.

We eloped down at Brooklyn City Hall then came up here to the Catskills for a quick honeymoon, because like I said back then, it would have seemed weird to just go back to the apartment and what, answer some emails? Rent a movie?

And this Wednesday we celebrated in the Catskills again, but this time as residents and future business owners and we just kept marveling about how if you had told us on our way out of City Hall what our lives would look like together a year from then (the big move! the house! the dog! the business!) we would have laughed.

A big hearty "I can't wait to do that!" laugh of course.

Here's to more ADVENTURE!