This + That: Wed, February 22

Wednesday, February 22nd.

1. Up at sunrise with the kitchen contractors. / 2. Waldo gets used to them being here and banging around, totally forgets about them and barks like wild, is cool again. Sigh. / 3. Collecting a quarterly water sample for the Department of Health-- / 4. Which I drop off at a water analysis facility in Hunter. / 5. Loads of errands this morning actually, including a stop at the mechanic to get Steven's truck inspected. "Ya'll must be avid readers!" the mechanic laughed at us as we each pulled out our books. / 6. Went to Selina's Diner on 23 for some much needed pancakes. / 7. Came back to quite the construction site. The kitchen floor was being filled with stone which is delivered via truck-- / 8. Which DROVE UP ONTO OUR PATIO so it could dump the stones directly into the kitchen door! / 9. Tried to hang out on our "Saturday" and just read and paint but it's so dang loud. / 10. So we snuck off to the woods for a bit. / 11. Been all about rose water and orange blossom in seltzer lately. / 12. Writing inspiration struck during golden hour. / 13. Read more as the sun set of Nadja Spiegelman's I'm Supposed To Protect You From All This which I'm really, really enjoying. / 14. Did our entire dinner on the wood stove! Quick bread and cumin lamb chops in the grill, chickpeas and spinach in a pan on top.